View Profile Dei-Sama
From habit, it breaks, in the spirit of true individuality!

Age 45, Female


Road to Hirasakai

Joined on 12/31/07

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antawadokoka? bokuwaShibuyadesu.......DESU!

watashi haanatawo osore rubekidesuka

It's not adorable that you're sick, it's adorable the way you type. It's very cute.

Thank you .. !

*poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke*....


*grabs* *poke* *poke* *poke*



*sees banner*


nante fuubutsu kirameku-





korewa nandesuka?! o_O


Arewa sugoku aku deshou... :(

Osu! Kikanbou no gigi! o_O





Haha, wel actually, I really like your english.
It has something poetic to it.

But hey, don't be sad.
If your image header and signature is drawn by you, you have something I'm jealous of.
You can draw, so why don't you do anything with that?

Anyway, go see the doctor, it's the best you can do.
Get well soon :]

I am artist for commerce was before wrists ruined of carpal tunnel ..

Thank you for being nice.

You're not technically bad at english, you just talk backwards, and try and sound formal.(when for the most part, english isn't a very formal language) Like yoda from star wars. :)

Anyway, I'll give you some advice. I dunno how much it will help over there in japan, as you guys have different customs.

If someone pushes you, or calls you names, you should stand up for yourself. If people are making fun of you, let it be known they can't get away with it.

Japan seems to be really concerned about job and school performance, so I can see why you may be discouraged about not being as smart as everyone, when you're expected to do so.(probably one of the reasons japan has the world's highest suicide rate)

However, you can't let that get to you. Try your best, and if you don't live up to other people's standards, oh well. At least you tried, and that is all that matters. Don't let the opinions of others get to you. You'll find your own individual path, and when you finally do, people will be proud of you.

Until then:

Tell all those assholes to leave you alone. You don't deserve to be treated like that.

I am of weak and sickly stature .. it is felt that retaliation done would raise ill consequence, perhaps ?

I am try hard in work but harder it becomes now with carpal tunnel and sickness other. To ignore incompetence of me would be able if not frequently reminded and teased. It is regrettable.

Thank you for the kindness.

Carpal tunnel is hardly that bad. It just makes your hand hurt and clutch randomly.

It's hardly going to affect anything.

and the pain you feel in your belly? Probably just a simple infection, or kidney stones or your appendix or something. It's common, a simple visit to see what's wrong is all it takes. Don't worry about having a bad illness or disease or anything. From what I've seen on the TV and heard on the news you would know if you did!

In work of drawing and typing the pain of a carpal tunnel syndrome increasingly worse becomes .. difficult it is to explain.

The other pains are in area below of stomach, relative to uterus or close organ I hope something simple and harmless it is.

Thank you for being nice.

"I am try hard in work but harder it becomes now with carpal tunnel and sickness other." I think the most important thing to take care of first is your health. You'll always have another chance to get/do a job, but not a second chance if you aren't in good health. First and foremost, you should go see a doctor, and try and get better. THEN worry about the job. Afterall, what use is it to work, when you are in pain all the time?

I assume you still get payed if you suffer a disability or accident that results in your inability to work(dunno if japan has the same benefits as here in the states, but I assume you do), so I doubt you need to worry about money, if that's what you're worried about.

I am hoping for to see a doctor when comes a break in my coughing and weakness to permit leaving of house.

The time apart from work is supported by many reduced pay. It is pitiful wage but recovery of me comes more important than luxury ..

Thank you.

You seem...Very nice. I'd like to talk to you on AIM if you have the spare time.
My AIM user name is Trisors. IM me sometime.

I will .. thank you !

Dont Be Upset! i can understand its hard to learn english but from what i can tell you're doing great! If you are really sick face you're fears go see the doctor they're here to help. What are you sorry for? you didnt do a thing lifes too short to hate you'reself because of a rude bastard just be happy it will all come through in the end

I am sorry of being a disappointment and failure when relied or encouraged .. you know ?

Thank you for being friendly.

first off your english is fine and you spell very good, english is the hardest language in the world to learn so dont be hard on yourself.

secondly see the doctor, he will fix you up and if not then just see another one :D

Thank you !

I will to visit the doctor hope when end of sickness allows for leaving of house and courage is present.

Hmm, now that I think of it. Your story reminds me of a Manga I read...If only I can remember it...

Well, regardless. Just because some people are jerks, doesn't mean you should hate yourself. Although, in your situation, I would see a doctor. Unless of course it was something like a cold, then I'd just sit it out.

And you seem to type in English very well.

I try to mean people ignore but difficult it becomes so long after.

Thank you for being nice.

Hey, if i knew Japanese as well as you knew English, I'd have no worries whatsoever to go visit Japan and speak the language!

To write and speak it for me is many different. If to try and speak English I sound like an idiot.

You talk like Yoda from Star Wars.

What ?

You don't have to be depressed, I'm believe you'll get better soon .

Thank you!

I know I already said this earlier, but seeing a doctor is still a better choice. I, for instance, was almot 10 years without doing any medic exams. Last month I decided to check for every conceivable disease. Overall I am fine, but sugar levels came out as very, very high. The doctor told me, that if I had waited one more year to examinate myself, I would have probably become diabetic. Since I examined now, I can avoid this and be healthy.

If I was scared during the exams? Sure, but now I'm glad I did. I no longer take much sugar, and will not become.

I know seeing a doctor is a personal decision, but you are so concerned and worried all day and night, that in the end it isn't doing you much good either. I would go see a doctor if I were you. Anyways, thats your personal decision.

It is decided when comes a break in my coughing and weakness with presence of courage, I will visit doctor. To end the pain will be many satisfying despite cowardice. It is a grave threat still .. but overcome it must be.

Thank you for encouragement.

Hold it!

English is a very simple language. There aren't many intransitive verbs and the rest are fairly easy to figure out.

One reason English > Japanese: Spaces.

The Latin words are easier to identify and understand instead of picking through an infinite sea of kana. I suggest you find Dr. Seuss books and then move on to Grade 1 level tests for an authentic grasp of the language. It says a lot about American culture and where you will sit among those of the English language. Do your best.

It is a difficult transition ..

You're wrong. You possibly are a great person, don't put yourself down. ;)

Thank you .. you are nice.

Not so.

The transition from English to Japanese is a complete trainwreck.

I have never seen such an unlinear language as this. For a simple statement the verbs are at the very end. This means when someone is talking, I HAVE to hear that last word in order to make ANY sense of what the person is talking about. Sure I can make a decent guess if I can't understand, but it's not very good. There are so few words in this language and that makes it worse.

You have three advantages to learning English and they start with imported words. 80% of the Katakana is targeted to something that usually comes from America. I know this much.

Each word in English is partitioned by a space or some form of punctuation. I know this is about as inefficient as using hiragana without any kanji, but at least there is no confusion as to what the word is because you know precisely where each one begins and ends.

A prefix denotes special meaning for the following word. Usually ones such as "Mr." and "Ms." are an honorific that notes politeness towards an individual but this is almost always formal and thus, almost never used due to there being so few formal situations.

Most verbs are transitive. I have trouble thinking of intransitive verbs for an example. There are only 6 main verbs and they expand to 23 help verbs in English. If you can remember all of them and remember that they very rarely go at the end of a sentence, you can then understand roughly 45% of spoken English.

Remember that no one knows every word in the English language. This has something to do with having too many obsolete words and so much imported slang. Don't bother with the later. It doesn't help.

Doubtful is capability of any development in my treatment of English .. formal education was attended and poorly achieved. Many trouble for me it is .. regrettable.

Well it appears that you're very well liked on NewGrounds. At least people are nice to you here huh?

Some are and some are not ..

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