View Profile Dei-Sama
From habit, it breaks, in the spirit of true individuality!

Age 45, Female


Road to Hirasakai

Joined on 12/31/07

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1,440 / 1,600
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Well, your English is understandable and your spelling is good, so it's not all bad. Please don't be sad! :(

Thank you but most often it is difficult to cope. :(

You shouldn't, no reason to apologize for anything, everyone makes mistakes. Your English is a lot more understandable than many other Asian people I've snailmailed with too. All you lack is probably confidence... What kind of sickness do you have? Physical/Mental?

Anyhow, cheer up. The peoples of NG are always here to sympathize. :)

Thank you much for the sympathy. All though with many mental griefs my obvious more problem is many physical pain with carpal tunnel syndrome and worse growing dense pain in lower body. I do not understand it but my colleague suggests a uterine cancer or similar affliction.

Thank you many for your kindness. Others here are not often friendly.

Don't apologize, your English is fine. Sorry to hear about your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but don't be afraid to see a doctor. All he/she will do is examine oyu, and give you a final diagnosis of what the problem is, and then you can treat it, rather than let the problem build up and become worse. You should be fine! :)

Also, cheer up and be positive, NEVER let yourself become depressed.

Thank you for your kindness. It is difficult for me to be strong when so afraid I am of being told I am with serious illness. What if it is the doctor poisons me or some thing similar?

Thank you for the encouragement but it is at times like this many hard to be not depressed.

I understand about your fear of doctors, but don't worry, the doctor will not poison you, i assure you that. Its better to know what the problem is, rather than prolonging the diagnosis and worrying for the worst. If you got a serious illness, you got a right to be worried, but you can work your way around it, and get your life back on track, and act as if nothing happened.

3 months ago, i was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I was worried i'd have to stay in bed with stomach pains all day, having tablets and injections. But i wanted to get better. I tried different medication to stop the pains, and after 2 months, i found the right combination of medicines. The depression stopped, i felt brilliant and the problem has hardly bothered me since, because i got my life back the way i wanted to, and i've never felt better!

So even if your problem is serious, don't worry, be positive and be determined to get your life back to normal!

The Crohn's disease can be much terrible from what I have heard. I am sorry you had to go through it. To accept a serious illness and undergo a surgery as a result of doctor visit frighten me with realization I suppose. Thank you for the support.

Crohn's can be bad, but you got accept it and get on with your life, you know what i mean? Surgery is only used if the condition is really bad, but thankfully, i diagnosed the condition at an early point so i didn't undergo surgery. Thanks for the sympathy. :)

I am too strongly hoping to avoid the need for a surgery. Thank you for your comments. : )

Listen missy, about your English, theres nothing wrong with it generally. I mean, i think you should be proud of what knowledge you got of English language, you sure surprised me cause i was stuck at the stereotypical fact that Japanese fellas are all bad at it. And you proved me damn wrong xP Sure nobodys perfect but think of how much advantage you have of being able to communicate with us. Its not like youre a retard, and youre definitely NOT one. And please dont be so harsh on yourself. I think youre very honest and funny, and definitely not dumb. Only those who act before thinking are dumb. The cold world out here will always try stepping over you and make you feel stupid. I know how depression affects on a person, ive felt it on my body myself. Your life isnt necessarily disastrous. You just need to gather some strength and make a jump up again on your feets. First you will have to convince yourself that youre not a loser. Then you keep learning and observe how people post and having conversations, step by step. Learn to have patience. Its not easy, but its a huge achievement already that you understand us and are able to even respond, just like in an ordinary debate. I cant even read my own mother language, and THAT is embarrassing *'_'* Lol oh well. Prove the oppressors WRONG, only YOU can do it :) Im already impressed by you.

And i hope you get better. I think you should go to the doctor, what can possibly go wrong? Thats what docs are for, they check your health and give you advices on how to cure it. I doubt theyre gonna force you in to the surgery room or whatever, and you can just picture how lame it would look if they really did it that to you. Lets just hope that you will be better off with pills instead, if youre too scared of the thought of a surgery. At least ask them. Here, i can fill you in on some additional info about carpal tunnel syndrome and hopefully some advices that might stimulate your problems in case you dunno: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpal_tunnel_syndrome">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpal_t unnel_syndrome</a>

And Cyberdevil, what Asians are you on about? You talkin to me you scoundrel?? >:)))

Ill be crossin my fingers for you Dei-Sama ^.^ Dont give up!

Thank you so much for your kindness. The ability to read the English at all I know is to be thankful for but inferior I am still felt when in compared to colleagues of me who have excelled where for me there is failure. Hard it is with optimism when constantly remembered how useless I am. To prove them wrong I desperately desire, but it is hard so very at times.

In regarding my illness, despite the carpal tunnel is painful it is little concern when compare to the other. If with I am a uterine issue the result may be painful surgery (hysterectomy) that would destroy my life.

Thank you for your sympathy.

hah, your english is good keep it up!

I do try but still I am many inferior. Thank you for the encouragement.

its ok newgrounds still has your back :) we don't troll that much on girls except for mucho gay ppl

Some people I have encountered here that are mean but for those nice ones I am thankful.


%uFF62Very sick I am feel%uFF63




%uFF62Too stupid I am to learn English...%uFF63

%u307E%u3063%u305F%uFF01.......%u3042 %u306A%u305F%u306F%u3070%u304B%u3067%

%uFF62...a rude person pushes out of way his...%uFF63




%u307C%u304F%u306F....%u3081.....%u30 75%u3078%u3044%u3058%u3084%u306A%u304 4%u3067%u3059%u3002

%u3042%u306A%u305F%u306EEnglish...%u3 060%u3044%u3058%u3088%u3073%u306D%u30 02



I need to learn to use kanji before this language runs me insane and you need to stop using a horrible translator.

English: Subject - Verb - Object.
%u306B%u307B%u3093%u3058%u3093%uFF1A %u308F%u3060%u3044 - %u76EE%u7684 - %u52D5%u8A5E%u3002

It's shameful for me to use Babelfish to make this point. Since it's kanji, I'm uncertain how well this is said.


%uFF62I am sorry.%uFF63


%u3048%u3048%u3068.......%u308F%u3063 .....%u308F%u305A%u3089%u3046=%u308F%
u306A%u305F%u306E%u3001%u308F%u3051%u 3066%u3082%u3002

%u3084%u304D%u306A%u304A%u3057 = %u3088%u3044%u3002
(%u3042%u306A%u305F%u306E)%u3084%u304 F%u3057%u3084 = %u3084%u304F%u305F%u305F%u305A%u3002 %u3084%u306F%u308A%u3001%u3082%u3093%

The SHIFT-JIS and constituent is not here supported. It is regrettable.

First:There's nothing scary about doctors.So march in there and say "I WANT TO SEE A DOCTOR RIGHT NOW!"

Second:There is nothing wrong with your english.Your great!

Sorry if I offended you with the first one.

Being touched there and that of hearing bad news are with me great fears of doctor visit. The support is appreciated but unendingly I am reminded of my poor English.

Oh my, you sound like you need a massive hug.

Also i assume JPN means Japan. Your english is alright for someone that probably didn't grow up with it.

Keep your chin up.

I wish there was one to in my life offer physical condolence but such is unfortunately not.

Correct you are with my origin but even so the colleagues of me whose study also was of English have excelled where I have not. It is regrettable.

Thank you for being nice.

Don't apologize, silly! It's not your fault people are rude!
Your spelling is amazing, you just need to work on how the words are arranged in your sentences. In any case, it's fairly easy to understand you.

I don't see why you should be scared of seeing a doctor, though. Just get it over with, and you'll get the medicine you need to feel better again.

Felt it is that if less of foolishness made obvious my presence not so undesirable would be. Instant my presence recognized as an idiot is. Regrettable.

The doctor visit will take place as the pain gets many worse but still it is large stress and fear.

Thank you.

Came back only to recognize that this place hates any SHIFT-JIS.

In short, your English probably isn't very good since it's painfully obvious you're using a translator to post. This doesn't mean your ideas aren't conveyed clearly, they're just conveyed used a strange order that doesn't sound natural when read.

Japanese: Subject Object Verb
English: Subject Verb Object



I don't see any reason for you to feign learning English if you can understand this much.


As for the doctor, are you horribly scared about bills or the experience? The sooner you deal with the problem, the less painful these are. That's my rule. :)

I am sorry. Diligence is desired but with swiftness it is lost. Regrettable it is relentless.

To doctor visit the expense is not the element of undesired but more the dislike of being touched and many fear of ill consequence.

Thank you.

Aw, your form of speech is adorable, like Yoda.

A lovely one is you.

don't hate yourself, you're a very good person.

To feel less useless it is desirable. Thank you for being kind.

Your writing is a dozen times better than many people with English as their main language.
Ye really have to keep up yer hardwork, that's the only way to get better at things, may it be work, school or anything like that! And really, ye shouldn't be sad if ye cannøt speak English as good as other's, since i assume ye live in Japan, the way the Europeans languages and the Asian ones have a very different way they're built up on. Anyone on this forum would have trouble learning an all new different language. (Especially from a different language tree)

'Bout the doctor, if ye feel bad ye really should visit one. Something really bad may happen if ye don't, though it ain't likely. There's still a chance tho, so it's best to be on the secure side.

And if people are verbally rude to ye, ye really shouldn't think 'bout it. Words are just words, they can't harm ye if ye know they are lies!

Anyways, cheer up! Ye got most of NG at yer back!

Thank you!

theres a video in my profile it will make you feel better.
<a href="http://nitroexsplosion.newgrounds.com/">http://nitroexsplosion.newgrounds.com /</a>
its all about what you like. happyness and freinds. im your freind. will you be mine?

Willing I am to be a friend of anyone kind or friendly.

Let the rain cry out. When it's over, a rainbow shall appear.

It is a beautiful thought.

You really should'nt be worried. just go to the docter and you will be fine. and why are you sorry?

Many fear comes with diagnosis. Hard it is to cope.

The regret from cowardice and stupidity comes. Diligence is lacked.

don't say you're sorry
I believe only an idiot would say sorry, and I don't think you are one

I am useless too, I care and I still do things even if I didn't do them right

stop caring that much for what others say

yeah, that useless is my comment

By this age I successful should be. To deviate such is regrettable failure with cowardice and hard to cope if contempt is not contrasted by encouragement.

Thank you for caring.

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